

local trainwreck, chaotic academic
just trying to help people with my books.
ENFP 4w3


Currently Writing:

Until Blood Spills

Young adults discover that there is no heaven or hell; only another realm for humans to adapt to and wage wars in. How can an assassin from the 1800s and a hospitalized girl from the 2000s save the afterlife?
A mischievous crew with too many criminal charges to count.

About Zel

Zel started writing when she was a kid. She was always a storyteller, and her goal is to give people an escape with her stories, and maybe, along the way, teach them a few things.Some of her favorite books include Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo and Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson.Apart from reading and writing, her interests are philosophy, psychology, sociology, and history. She is also fond of the arts. She finds comfort in her cat, Millie, and in her stories.Zel hopes to publish Until Blood Spills, the book she has been working on for quite some time now, by the end of 2024
(Partially written by @itisomiomi on Discord)

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